Community and News
Math.Stackexchange | An online community for asking and answering mathematical questions |
MathOverflow | An online community for research mathematicians that has quite a few prominent members |
Mathematics Genealogy Project | A tree of supervisors and students in the history of mathematics |
Quanta Magazine | Well-written articles on recent mathematical and scientific news with beautiful graphics |
Encylopaedic Sites
Wolfram MathWorld | A mathematical encyclopedia “Created, developed, and nurtured by Eric Weisstein at Wolfram Research” |
Encyclopedia of Mathematics | A mathematical encyclopedia hosted by the European Mathematical Society |
OEIS | The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences: type in a few terms of a sequence and view matches! |
Cut-the-knot | A vast array of mathematical posts by Alexander Bogomolny |
Typesetting and Graphics
Overleaf | LaTeX typesetting in an online setting without any downloading needed and with lots of packages installed |
LaTeX Tables Generator | A visual tool for generating the code for tables in LaTeX |
LaTeX Trees Generator | A tool for drawing trees in LaTeX |
Asymptote | A “powerful descriptive vector graphics language” for drawing coordinate-based diagrams |
Geogebra | A tool for drawing geometric figures |
QuickLaTeX | A web service for rendering LaTeX on websites |
Research Papers
arXiv | Access pre-prints of many research papers for free |
JSTOR | Access journal papers if you have or your institution has a subscription |
Mathscinet | An online bibliographic database that requires a subscription |
Computational Search
WolframAlpha | Good for basic computations and visualizations involving standard functions and operations |
Magma | Software for “computations in algebra, number theory, algebraic geometry and algebraic combinatorics” |
Sage | A “free open-source mathematics software system” |
PARI | A computing system for algebra and number theory | | A LaTeX-based search engine for mathematics |
Canadian Mathematical Society | Host of the Canadian Open and Canadian Mathematical Olympiad |
CEMC at the University of Waterloo | The Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing hosts numerous prestigious math contests |
American Mathematical Society | A society that develops valuable mathematical resources such as LaTeX packages |
Mathematical Association of America | Host of the sequence of mathematical competitions leading to the USA Mathematical Olympiad |
International Mathematical Olympiad | Freely access problems from one of the hardest international math competitions for high school students |